
ICH­THYS Foun­da­tion orga­ni­zes sum­mer and win­ter retre­ats for chil­dren, youth, and fami­lies from dif­fe­rent social envi­ron­ments. Our camps are edu­ca­tio­nal, and the­ir aim is, in a bro­ad sen­se, the spi­ri­tu­al, intel­lec­tu­al, and phy­si­cal growth of the cam­per based on Chri­stian valu­es. Our pro­grams help cam­pers to find pur­po­se and meaning in the­ir life, to streng­then rela­tion­ships betwe­en chil­dren and teena­gers, and to pro­mo­te a heal­thy life­sty­le thro­ugh sports and games. Our camps pro­vi­de unfor­get­ta­ble expe­rien­ces, full of joy, lau­gh­ter, sin­ging, sports, and tourism — and all of the­se in the com­pa­ny of people who love God. Our camps are offe­red in dif­fe­rent loca­tions in Poland, which gives young people the oppor­tu­ni­ty to explo­re many of our coun­try­’s natu­ral resources.