
ICH­THYS Foun­da­tion pro­vi­des Chri­stian con­certs and music work­shops, some­ti­mes spon­so­red in con­junc­tion with other Chri­stian orga­ni­za­tions. We sup­port this art form becau­se music plays an impor­tant part in the Chri­stian spi­ri­tu­al life; it is under­sto­od by eve­ry­one, trans­cen­ding lan­gu­age, cul­tu­re, upbrin­ging, and social sta­tus. Music has the power to sti­mu­la­te emo­tions, to reach the heart, and to moti­va­te more power­ful­ly than just words. Music is also a very spe­cial way of wor­ship­ping God.

Sing to him, sing pra­ise to him; tell of all his won­der­ful acts.”
Psalms 105, 2¬ NIV